Submitted by rfrazier on

“I am a disabled adult. I have a physical disability as well as other health issues. Growing up the only one in my immediate family to have a disability from birth was confusing, scary, and an unfair time for me.

There weren’t a lot of services back then for me to get help from besides doctors. I didn’t fully notice my disability until other kids made me aware of it. Since then, I have developed other health issues. I felt safe when I wasn’t noticed, standing on the outside. Of course, getting services I need even now is still sometimes a struggle. I was and am still an outsider.

But after I started volunteering with AmeriCorps, it was a nice surprise how everyone is so accepting and understanding and how flexible things are. There is always someone willing to help or share pieces of our lives with each other while helping those we volunteer to learn valuable ways of living. How amazing is that! It is the best working environment I’ve ever been in. Thank you, members, staff, and AmeriCorps itself, a huge thank you. You are awesome!”