The original Notice of Funding Opportunity has been amended and reposted below. The change in the Notice is to eligibility on page 3. Only state commissions are eligible to apply.

VGF grants will be used to develop and/or support community-based entities to recruit, manage, and support volunteers. CNCS seeks to fund effective approaches that expand volunteering, strengthen the capacity of volunteer connector organizations to recruit and retain skill-based volunteers, and develop strategies to use volunteers effectively to solve problems. Specifically, the VGF grants will support efforts that expand the capacity of volunteer connector organizations to recruit, manage, support and retain individuals to serve in high quality volunteer assignments.

Applicants that receive funding under this Notice may directly carry out the activities supported under the award, or may carry out the activities by making subgrants to community-based entities, supporting volunteer generation at these entities.

Application Deadline

Notice of Intent to Apply Deadline: Applicants are strongly encouraged to send a Notice of Intent to Apply by Tuesday, June 6, 2017.

Application Deadline: Applications are due Thursday, July 6 by 5:00 pm Eastern Time. Successful applicants will be notified in September 2017.

Funding Announcement and Application Instructions

Access the Notice of Funding Opportunity (PDF) | Revised May 4, 2017
Access the Application Instructions (PDF)
Access the CNCS VGF Performance Measure Instructions (PDF)
Access the Indirect Cost Rate Agreement Instructions (PDF)
Access eGrants

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Frequently Asked Questions - last updated June 29, 2017

Technical Assistance Information

The FY 2017 VGF NOFO Team will host a technical assistance conference for potential grant applicants.  Calls will be conducted in a standard format that includes a brief overview and a question and answer session.  The call will be recorded.  Replay information for each call will be posted following the call.

Technical Assistance Call Date: May 18, 2017 1:00 PM EST

Call Information:
Conference Call Replay: 800-925-0856
The conference replay is available until July 9.

Presentation Slides (PDF)


Further information

CFDA number
Contact Email