The AmeriCorps Seniors RSVP program provides grants to organizations with a dual purpose: to engage Americans 55 years and older in volunteer service to meet critical community needs, and to provide a high-quality experience for the volunteers.  RSVP is one of the agency’s most flexible grant programs. Organizations determine where the need is greatest and how volunteers can respond to the need as long as it falls within one of AmeriCorps’ six focus areas: Disaster Services, Economic Opportunity, Environmental Stewardship, Education, Healthy Futures, and Veterans and Military Members.

RSVP Programs make an impact in the community through a variety of ways.

Examples of RSVP Programs

Providing mentorship to teens in the juvenile justice system to tutoring and helping them to prepare for GED exams
Delivering meals and groceries to individuals with limited to no support
Renovating homes for low income individuals
A diverse array of community projects like community clean up, tax preparation, holiday events at hospitals
Teaching resume and employment skill classes


Eligibility Requirements

  • If you are part of a national or local nonprofit, school, government agency, faith-based or community organization, you can apply for resources through one of our programs.
  • The RSVP program is a competitive grant program that recompetes every six years.

Responsibilities and Expectations

  • Develop the strategy to respond to identified needs in the community using AmeriCorps Seniors volunteers
  • Recruit volunteers who are 55 years and older
  • Manage and place volunteers in local organizations, taking special efforts to recruit diverse individuals
  • Meet the performance measures that will be identified in the grant application

How to Apply

1. Determine If Your Organization Is Located in an Area Where Funding is Available

Available locations will be communicated with the Notice of Funding Opportunity.

2. Submit an Application Online

Use eGrants to submit an application. The application will ask for organization information, narratives about the project, budget information, performance measures, and supporting documentation.