AmeriCorps CEO was joined by US Representative Richard Neal (MA-01) at a site visit to congratulate Springfield College AmeriCorps program on its new grant

WASHINGTON, DC— On Friday, May 10, AmeriCorps CEO Michael Smith and Representative Richard Neal (MA-01) visited Rebecca Johnson Elementary school to meet with an AmeriCorps member serving at Springfield College and her students and celebrate the recent federal funds awarded to Springfield College. The site visit coincided with Smith’s commencement speech at American International College and aimed to spotlight the program’s impactful initiatives and commend Springfield College for its dedication to community service.

During the visit, CEO Smith and Congressman Neal met with Beth McGuiness, CEO of the Massachusetts Service Alliance, Aliya Yacteen, an AmeriCorps member, and Springfield College graduate students serving at Rebecca Johnson Elementary School, along with school leaders and students.  

“As we celebrate 30 years of service, we’re grateful for partners like Springfield College and leaders like Congressman Neal, whose dedication to fostering civic engagement echoes the very core of AmeriCorps’ mission,” said Michael D. Smith, CEO, AmeriCorps. “Our commitment to building stronger communities remains steadfast, fueled by the passion and dedication of AmeriCorps members. Together, we continue to shape a brighter future for all.”

“In 1993, Congress passed the National and Community Service Trust Act. Thirty years later, AmeriCorps continues to serve and improve our communities by fostering civic engagement through service and volunteering,” said Congressman Neal. “I have been a staunch supporter of AmeriCorps, and I was pleased to join CEO Michael D. Smith, who I am proud to say began his career in public service as an intern in my Washington, DC, office, to visit the Rebecca M. Johnson School and highlight AmeriCorps’ partnership with Springfield College. Springfield College was the recipient of nearly $700,000 in federal funds for fiscal year 2024, and the fruits of that investment were on full display at Johnson Elementary.”

The Springfield College AmeriCorps program was recently awarded $696,975 in AmeriCorps State and National funding, including grants and education awards.  The funding will support 58 AmeriCorps members who will provide mentoring and coaching to students in the Springfield and Worcester Public School Districts and Springfield and Worcester youth-serving organizations. Through mentorship and academic coaching, members serve as indispensable student support specialists, fostering positive academic outcomes in chronically low-performing schools.